Electromagnetic Field Theory(EMFT) Tuition In Noida

Electromagnetic Field Theory(EMFT) Tuition In Noida. Call for the Best Tuition Institute in Noida for Engineering Students like B.Tech Polytechnic For Electronic & Communication. Engineering During the class we are going to cover the following subjects. Coordinate systems and transformation: Cartesian coordinates, circular cylindrical coordinates, spherical coordinates Vector calculus: Differential length, area and volume, line surface and volume integrals, del operator, gradient of a scalar, divergence of a vector and divergence theorem, curl of a vector and Stoke’s theorem, Laplacian of a scalar.
Electrostatics: Electrostatic fields, Coulombs law and field intensity, Electric field due to charge distribution, Electric flux density, Gausses’s Law – Maxwell’s equation, Electric dipole and flux lines, energy density in electrostatic fields. Electric field in material space: Properties of materials, convection and conduction currents, conductors, polarization in dielectrics, dielectric constants, continuity equation and relaxation time, boundary condition. Electrostatic boundary value problems: Poission’s and Laplace’s equations, general procedures for soling Poission’s or Laplace’s equations, resistance and capacitance, method of images. Magnetostatics: Magneto-static fields, Biot-Savart’s Law, Ampere’s circuit law, Maxwell’s equation, application of ampere’s law, magnetic flux density- Maxwell’s equation, Maxwell’s equation for static fields, magnetic scalar and vector potential. Magnetic forces, materials and devices: Forces due to magnetic field, magnetic torque and moment, a magnetic dipole, magnetization in materials, magnetic boundary conditions, inductors and inductances, magnetic energy.  CFA Academy Holds Several Years Of Knowledge In The Tutorial And Coaching Industry And Possess Prominent Professionals Who Can Provide You With The Best Coaching Tutorial Class For B.Tech. We Are Providing Coaching & Tuition For B.Tech Coaching, AMIE Coaching, Engineering Diploma, M.Tech Coaching. We Are Known For Our Quality Services, Competitive Prices And Students Satisfaction. Contact Us For Further Details. We Welcome You To Experience The Best Coaching Service. For Admission Call@9891500587
Electromagnetic Field Theory(EMFT) Tuition In Noida, Best Tuition Institute in Noida, B.Tech Tutorial Classes in Noida, B.Tech Tuition in Noida, B.Tech Tutorial in Noida, B.Tech Coaching in Noida


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